GP127 – It Happens

It could happen. I could walk in to a bar one night and order a glass of whiskey. At a nearby table a man and his wife are out for a night of fun. I am in a bad mood. The woman’s laughter irritates me so I get off my bar stool, walk over to the woman and punch her in the head.

Immediately patrons of the bar will come to her aid. The police will be called and when they arrive I will be put in handcuffs, taken away and spend a night in jail.

It could as well happen that I am in a good mood and the woman’s laughter does not bother me at all. But later that night when she goes home her husband may be in a bad mood. He punches her in the head. No one comes to her aid, she is alone. She may or may not call the police. The police may or may not come. If they do come they will look at the situation and say to themselves “another Domestic”. They will ask the woman to be quiet because her screams are disturbing the neighbors and leave.

I am an old man. In my life I have seen science and technology advance by leaps and bounds but society has not progressed much. Woman still get beaten. It happens all the time.

It has to stop.

Help us out:

 Make a statement and share it with the world.

Sample Statement:

  • It has to stop.

Educate Yourself:

Google – “Domestic Violence + Statistics”

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