GP124 – Low Life II

There is something similar to buying water in small plastic bottles, something equally egregious. It’s people who cannot be bothered to take their own reusable bags with them when grocery shopping. People who use the disposable plastic bags that stores provide are ruining our planet.

So what can you do when you see someone coming out of a store with groceries in plastic bags? Not much. Do not say anything. Confronting lowlifes can be dangerous. Just shake your head and hope someday these people will figure it out.  If you know of a store that has stopped using plastic bags shop there. If a politician promises to ban the use of plastic bags vote for them. Please help me tell the “Low Life II” story.

Help us out:

 Make a pledge and share it with the world. Start with “I am a good person”.

Sample Pledge:

1. I am a good person. I will always take my own bags to the grocery store. No big deal.

Educate yourself:

Google – “Plastic Grocery Bags” + Facts”

By wearing your “Good Person” shirt you will make this message available for all to see.

How? People will search “GP124” on the shirtclub app.