GP123 – Low Life I

If you live in the city you might think to yourself that people who live in the country are drinking better water. But this is a silly thought. Fact is more times than not well water is dirty. It needs to be filtered and treated to be safe to drink. So where should a person go to find good water? That’s easy. Turn on your tap. The city or town that you live in spends a lot of money to ensure that the water coming out of your tap is clean and safe to drink.  If you live in New York city the water coming out of your tap is over the top. Google it. So if you take the time to think about it there is nothing stupider than buying water in little plastic bottles. It’s not just stupid but it is selfish. People who buy these bottles are ruining our planet.

So what can you do when you see someone coming out of a store with cases of plastic bottles? Not much. Do not say anything. Confronting lowlifes can be dangerous. Just shake your head and hope someday these people will figure it out. Please help me tell the “Low Life I” story.

Note: Calling someone a Low Life is not very nice. Please know that if you are a person that lives in an area with poor water this story is not directed at you. You of course need to buy clean water. This story is directed at people who have access to good clean water but choose to buy water in single use bottles just because they think it is convenient.

Help us out:

 Make a pledge and share it with the world. Start with “I am a good person”.

Sample Pledge:

1. I am a good person. I need water but I do not need it to come from plastic bottles

Educate yourself:

Google – “Single Use Plastic + Facts”

By wearing your “Good Person” shirt you will make this message available for all to see.

How? People will search “GP123” on the shirtclub app.