GP122 – Save a dolphin

How to Save a Dolphin

When you go to Sea World do you think the dolphins are happy? I can assure you they are not. Their big toothy mouths make them look like they are smiling. Do you think the dolphins enjoy doing tricks? I can assure you they do not. They perform in order to be fed. There is nothing crueler than keeping a dolphin in captivity. The cruelty starts when a young dolphin is caught in a net and stolen from its family. These are intelligent social animals.

It is so easy to protect these animals. NEVER give money to the jerks who profit from their suffering. So no trips to Sea World, no trips to MarineLand and when on vacation – NEVER pay to pet a dolphin. Throw a volleyball in a swimming pool, get it wet then rub it. This is what it feels like to pet a dolphin.

Note: you will as well be protecting whales and sea lions.

Help us out: Make a pledge and share it with the world. Start with “I am a good person”.

Sample Pledge: I am a good person. I do not pet dolphins.

Educate yourself:

Google – “Dolphins in Captivity”

By wearing your “Good Person” shirt you will make this message available for all to see.

How? People will search “GP122” on the shirtclub app.