About Us

Shirttok is based on the writings and philosophies of author m1. The philosophy specifically that a person can change the world simply by abstaining, simply by not doing things.

A person can as well change the world simply by being nice.

We think the world is full of good people and have devised a method for good people to spread messages of abstinence and kindness to other good people. Once enough people have heard the message the world will be a better place.

Thank you for being a good person
How to change the world. (“How it works“)

Shirttok.com and Shirtclub.net

2 Things:

  1. Be sure to register at www.shirtclub.net. When you purchase a shirt from shirttok.com you will receive a free one year membership to shirtclub.net plus you will receive recognition for being a good person. Your good person shirt count “GP” will appear on your profile for all to see.
  2. When making your pledges/statements on social media be sure to instruct people to download the shirtclub app. The app allows people to search and reveal the messages you wear on your shirts.